Thursday, July 25, 2013


 Connor is almost finished with his first season of baseball!  He's done so well and improved a ton.

We love swimming at our Rec Centers here in Highlands Ranch.  The kids would easily spend hours here every day if I'd let them.  We love the pool!

Saturday, July 20, 2013


On Friday we had our third test checking out Noah's kidney functioning. The first test was at 7 days old and was an ultrasound to see if his kidney was still dilated.  The second test was a VCUG that looked for reflux from his ureter to his bladder.  Finally this third test was with nuclear medicine so he had to have anesthesia. This Mag 3 test was looking for kidney functioning.  After much prodding the tech finally told me his left kidney looked blocked.  Noah's pediatric eurologist will let us know for certain if he needs surgery after seeing the results himself on Monday, but in a previous appointment he told me he'd need surgery if there was any obstruction to the kidney.  So, that's what we're looking at with this little guy in his near future.  He's done so well with all these tests and doesn't seem to show signs of discomfort, so we feel very blessed.  We'll breathe a sigh of relief however when the surgery is over.


 A couple of Sundays ago Abby and Noah enjoyed a quiet tea party together. ; )

Noah's 6 week stats: 9.1lbs
22 3/4" long

We've been enjoying the beautiful weather outside at Connor's baseball games as well as dinners on the patio!  It seems like we go to our indoor rec center pool almost every day now...the kids love it!  Noah is easy to hold on the side while watching the older kids, so it's perfect for me.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This year we began our festivities with a PARADE at Town Center, which was fun but a little disappointing to the kids that NO candy was thrown from the floats.  Luckily Aunt Emily brought a few treats and threw some Connor's way to make him happy. ; )

We enjoyed a nice dinner outside on our new patio set!  Menu included grilled chicken tacos, salsa and chips, corn on the cob, dipped (red, white, and blue) strawberries, fruit, and popsicles!
Sparklers were a fun way to end our very full day and evening!
Noah is 1 month old!