Sunday, September 21, 2008

Caramel apples, cookies, and more....

Last Thursday evening I hosted a Cabi Party for a friend here. Cabi is a clothing line that stands for Carol Anderson by invitation. We had such a good time trying on all the clothes and having our very own fashion show! My main contribution was the food, which I was told to keep simple. I get really excited to have people over and my husband seconds that, so I tend to do more than necessary. I think the hit of the party though was the caramel apples dipped in nuts, m&ms, and skor bars! Yum! It was a fun night for the girls!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's never too late...

So, back when I was young my mom made me take piano lessons. By the time I got into Jr. High my mom said I could decide on whether or not to take lessons. She was tired of fighting me. Of course I quit at my first chance and I've always remembered what my mom said, "You're going to regret it." So this is one of those times where my mom can say, "I told you so!" Yes, I do regret it! I'm now 26 years old and taking lessons again because I want to play the piano well. This is my 2nd week at it and I love it! It makes such a difference when it's your decision to do something. I love to practice and wish sometimes I could practice more. I'm one of only two adults taking lessons from my teacher, but I don't care....I'm loving it! I just had to make it known I would not be appearing in her recitals. It's nice to know though that just because we're getting older it doesn't mean we can't pick up new hobbies anymore.

A little late....

Well, it's already been almost a month now since Connor's birthday, but I've been meaning to post his first steps for all his proud aunts and uncles out there! You'll see he's pretty wobbly, but he's gotten this walking thing down now. He's a pro! I'll have to get some new video of him soon!