Sunday, August 23, 2009

All About Me

So, now that I'm older and wiser (2) I'd like to tell you all a little bit about myself.  My favorite thing in life is playing "hoops," I have a very "nice shot!"  Really any ball will do ie: footballs, baseballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, as long as they fit through my hoop!  

I love counting to 10 and get very annoyed with my parents when they try to correct me--I can't be bothered with 3, 4, 6, and 7.  What do they know?  I'm the biggest helper around the house...I love to sort the laundry, start the dishwasher, and help mom with the vacuum cords.

I know the most important colors red and green---"red means STOP and green means GO!"  I pay close attention to mom's driving and always let her know what color the light is.  I love my dad, but sometimes if I don't feel like he's listening to me I know how to get his attention..."MAC...MAC!!!!"  That always works.  

These are also at the top of my list of favorite things to do:
- Riding in the tractor with Grandpa Burton or Uncle Coy
- Watching Signing Time
- Reading my books
- Doing my puzzles

Oh, by the way you know I'm really growing fast when I have my own big boy bed--not a toddler bed a "big-boy bed."  I guess I'd better get used to the idea of my little sister taking over my old crib.  I don't mind, I'm over it.

Peace Out

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Connor!

Today is Connor's birthday!  We celebrated last night with Mac's parents and two brothers and one sister-in-law.  It was such a fun evening.  We made dinner for everyone and then were too full to dig into the oh-so-awesome train cake I made, so we opened presents instead.  Connor was the perfect birthday boy...excited with each new present!  It was a little hard for him to put things down to open a new present, but he gave in eventually.  
We've recently discovered Connor's love for trains, so I thought it'd be fun to have a train party, cake and all!  
I think daddy enjoyed playing with Connor's new train set almost as much as Connor did!
Uncle Jared and Aunt Jill did an amazing job picking out this t-ball set for Connor.  He loves baseball, but he doesn't quite have the right lingo down yet, he kept saying "Nice shot!" after he'd hit the ball.  You can tell he's also very into his basketball hoop.  Now that he's 2 Connor's speech has drastically accelerated into toddler talk and less baby talk.  We love hearing his thoughts and he's quite good at expressing them!  We love you Connor*

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our County Fair!

Growing up I loved going to our state fair in Alaska!  So I was so excited to take Connor to our county fair...a bit smaller...but still fun!  I know it doesn't look like it, but he really liked this little car ride.

Connor loved seeing all the chickens.  He even got a little brave and tried putting his fingers through the cages a few times.
Looking GQ!
At the end of the evening were the dwarf car races.  Connor was intrigued by the loud engine noises, but loss interest part way did his dad.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Growing up way too fast

Last night Connor slept in his big-boy bed for the first time!  We've had it set up now for about a week in his room along with his crib, but really wasn't planning on transitioning him to it until after his birthday which is less than 2 weeks away.  I just can't believe how fast he's growing up!  I think it's harder for me to see him out of his crib than it is for Connor.  I've loved every new stage that he's moved into and haven't had the emotional issues that come with each new stage...until now!  Don't get me wrong I'm grateful it's been an easy transition for him, but wow this stage feels like he's less of my baby and more a little boy.  I can only imagine what kindergarten is going to feel like! Yikes!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Denver-Take Two

One of Connor's favorite animal...the gorilla!
Thanks to Auntie Em and Uncle Darrin, Mac and I were able to visit the Denver Temple for a date night!  We loved it...thanks so much!
Fortunately for us we've been able to travel to Denver twice this summer to visit Darrin and Emily.  Mac had 2 different week-long trainings for work there, so we took advantage of it!  Connor was able to visit the Denver Aquarium, the zoo, and go swimming a couple of times--which he loved!  I was able to get in a few shopping trips with Emily, a date night to the temple with my wonderful husband, and just enjoy being with my family.   We had such a good time and can't believe summer is almost over.  I guess that just means we're getting closer to the arrival of our little girl--in November!

The Life

Connor and Grandpa Dean throwing rocks!
Here's Mac and his brother out in their float tubes trying to catch some fish!
I think he just needs me fanning him on the side and he'd feel like a prince.
A couple of weekends ago we went out to Talmage for the Pioneer Day parade, a picnic, and a little fishing.  Mac and his brother, Coy, started out the day with an early morning fish run which unfortunately resulted in no fish.  Then we all went to the Altamont Parade and enjoyed the festivities there (Connor's favorite thing was watching the crane lift the American Flag).  Then grandma and grandpa prepared a yummy picnic lunch to take back up to the lake for more fishing and rock throwing.  Needless to say, Connor was in heaven!