Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

The last couple of days have been beautiful here in Austin Texas! We've enjoyed taking Connor to the park and to our ward campout at Granger Lake. Connor loves to be outside...he's loved it since day one and we're so glad since we love it too! We're already getting sad seeing that we're down to 4 weeks til we leave this great state and trying to fit in as much as possible. We're going to miss the amazingly warm winters we've experienced here especially since I was able to run all year long without worrying about it being too cold. This weekend has been 75 and warmer, which is perfect weather for us to get out as a family and enjoy it! I hope wherever you all are, it's getting warmer by the day for you!! Summer is almost here!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ticket To Ride

For those of you who are in need of a great game to play with your family and friends....I highly recommend "Ticket To Ride." We got this game as a gift from my parents for Christmas and love it! I'm reminded again by how much fun it is because last night it was about 9:30pm and Mac and I were heading to bed, but not exactly tired. So, I suggested we play the game in bed just the two of us. We had never played a board game in bed for one, but also never played with just two players either. It's fun sometimes to mix things up, rather than reading in bed every night, why not play a board game??

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April Happenings...

Well, here it is the middle of April already and Connor has gone for his first swim! He LOVED it!! We already knew he would since he practically swims laps in the bath tub every night. He wasn't the least bit afraid, which makes me a little worried for the future. Like son!

We also celebrated my 26th birthday!! Mac tried to throw a surprise party for me, but unfortunate for him I caught him in the act. It was great though to have all our friends and their kids come and visit and have my cake with us! We're going to miss you all when we leave. I can't believe we're down to only 5 weeks left!

Amidst all these fun things I'm so excited to announce Mac has finished writing his thesis!!!! Yaye! He's down to making small revisions from professors, but basically the hard part is finally over. He leaves town this weekend for a conference in Oklahoma where he will give a presentation and then he'll be down to just one more conference in May!!! You're almost there sweetie! We're getting excited to move on past grad school!

Here is also a cute side profile of our bug-a-boo!! Isn't his tush so cute!!! \"/

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Last night Mac and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary by going out to dinner ALONE! Uncle Darrin and Auntie Em were so kind to watch Connor for us for the evening so we could get some alone time. We enjoyed a yummy and very filling dinner at PF Chang's thanks to my best friend, Hannah, and her fiance, Jonathan's gift card. Thank you so much you guys we loved it! Afterward Mac suggested we pick up a movie to take home since we had some time before picking Connor up. Perfect...dinner and a movie...right? Well, the problem was it was the Biggest Loser night! Last week it got bumped to 1 am because of a Spurs basketball game, so I just couldn't miss 2 in a row! Ahh...what a sweet husband I have because he was more than happy to cuddle up on the couch with me and watch one of my favorite shows! I love you honey and it's been the best two years of my life! Mua*

Wednesday, April 2, 2008