Saturday, February 14, 2009

Baby Blanket

So, I learned how to crochet right before I got married-almost 3 years ago. I made an extremely long hideous scarf, which I've never worn. After Christmas this year a friend of mine taught me how to make something beautiful out of a ball of yarn! This is my first blanket and I'm pretty darn pleased with it! No, no--there are no baby girls arriving anytime soon. I just thought the pink was so adorable and it's SO soft!*

Happy Valentine's reverse order

We actually celebrated yesterday morning so Mac could be here to break open the pinata with Connor. Mac had to leave yesterday afternoon to go on a scout trip with the boys! He comes home very late tonight! Does this boy look just like his daddy or what?!?
I think this balloon was Connor's favorite!
Ooh...let's see what's inside...candy, pencils, balloons, bracelets, baseball, play-doh, toys

Finally! With dad's help they managed to break the pinata in two.

Batter Up!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Plug for FHE

This is Connor's first experience with eating dirt! Yum
So, it's a little out of order, but some friends invited to their Family Home Evening Monday night to make pinatas! This picture is after a couple of days of drying and starting to decorate. Connor was a big help...not really, but he still had fun!

Spencer and Bailey were such a big help with our pinata...we were a little slow!

Here's us moms doing all the work! I think I got the messiest...go figure! Where are the dads?? They're a little camera shy I guess. Thanks so much Jamie for planning such a fun activity! We needed a boost with FHE! We're excited to break it open and see what's inside on Valentine's Day!!*

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Canyons Ski Resort

Yesterday Mac and I were able to go to Park City for the day to snowboard at the Canyons Resort! We hadn't been snowboarding for almost 3 years!! It was so much fun!! We were like two kids going on a date again (so excited)...Grandma Dian and Grandpa Dean were so kind to watch Connor for the day for us--thanks so much!!. You'll have to excuse the pictures...I brought my camera, but of course it had to run out of batteries before I got one picture taken. So these are on loan from the Canyons' site. What a perfect day we had though...the powder was light and just perfect and we didn't even complain of the cold until the 2nd to last run of the day! be up in the mountains enjoying the beautiful scenery was just what we needed. Unfortunately I took a pretty bad spill earlier in the day, but didn't let it get the best of me. I'm definitely feeling it more now today though. Mac was in heaven doing the jumps and swerving through the trees...he's a pro compared to me. We had such a good time together. Afterwards Mac treated me to a little shopping at the Park City outlets! What a good catch I got!*