Thursday, March 31, 2011

Conversations with Connor...

I know I have been a horrible blogger these days, but to my defense we have a lot going on. Well, it's really just the stress of house hunting, but it does sort of consume all of my free time these days. I did want to share some funny conversations I've had with Connor these past few weeks though....

Standing in Line at the Post Office (Lots of bystanders):
C-"Mom, look at that lady's BIG belly!" (As the poor lady walks out the door)
M-"You remember when mommy had a big belly like that huh? I was carrying Abby in my tummy."
C- "So does she have a baby in her tummy?"
M- "Yep!"
About 30 seconds past
C- "But, did she swallow it?" (So serious)
The whole line of people giggle
M- "No."
C- "Then how did it get there?"
M- "Let's ask dad about that tonight."
Whole line of people murmur "Yeah, that's right, ask dad!"

One night for Family Home Evening Mac was teaching Connor about the priesthood and how Jesus layed his hands upon the 12 disciples to give them each the priesthood. And went on about the line of authority etc.
After a minute or so Connor comes back to Mac and says, "Jesus must have had a lot of hands!"

This little boy is cracking us up without even trying these days and I'm so glad he has a great sense of humor and can laugh with us....we love him!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Catching Up...

It's been 9 days since we stepped foot into our new home here in Denver! I've been really bad at taking pictures, but thought I should still give an update on how we're adjusting. Connor and Abby are loving it here. The first day I took Connor on a bike ride around the neighborhood and he said, "Mom, is it summer here?" Seriously we haven't seen grass in so long and I kept telling him all winter he can't ride his bike until summer comes. Smart kid. We've loved being able to get outside again (without heavy coats!) We've already checked out our local library and the kids can't wait to go to story time again. Here there are story times 4 days during the week and at 3 different's great! We've got our passes to the rec centers and Connor loved the day care area as well as the kiddie pool! On Saturday we drove downtown to Mac's office and Connor and him got to ride the train back home while Abby and I drove to the train station to pick them up. Connor keeps asking to ride the train again...I think we'll ride down one of these days and meet Mac for lunch or something!
Connor is really into his letters and most of our car rides go like this:
Connor: "Mom, what does tree start with?"..."what does car start with?" etc.
He's getting really good at it and can figure out a lot of words on his own.
Abigail's favorite book is "The Very Busy Spider" and will bring it to me at least 10 times a day. She loves hearing the animal sounds and I know she's going to start repeating them back to me very soon.
Mac is doing well at work, it's always an adjustment doing something new. He's smart though and I know he'll do well. On Sunday we were invited for dinner by a family in the ward, which was great to start to get to know people. I was pretty excited to be invited to a card exchange party/dinner last week. It was a great opportunity to meet some really fun ladies and have a girls' night out! We're comfortable in our rental home, but very EXCITED to start looking for our permanent home. This week the kids have been fighting really bad colds, so I am ready for them to feel better so we can get out of this house and enjoy our beautiful surroundings!