Monday, December 28, 2009

More Christmas pictures

After opening up presents Christmas morning we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Burton's house! We had a wonderful Christmas breakfast with everyone and played lots of fun games and enjoyed everyone's company. Mac even got me outside to shoot Coy's new gun he got for Christmas. We just love being with family!

Christmas 2009!

Mom and daughter dressed for church!
Connor loves tunnels and boy was he excited when Santa brought him tunnels!
I've always wanted to start the tradition to act out the birth of Christ story on Christmas Eve with our family and this year we started it! These are the wise men bringing gifts to baby Jesus. Connor really got into character.
A little hard work outside building a fort with daddy! Connor loves being outdoors and never complains of being cold....unlike his mama! I love being out there too, but I do complain that my toes are froze!
Our first family picture taken with Abigail. We love her!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My boys

I just thought these pictures were so cute! This is Connor before church on Sunday and after church heading outside with dad to shovel the snow in our driveway! Connor's favorite thing to do lately is to shovel!!


What do you think? Who's who? This is Abigail's cousin, Addilyn! Emily and I thought it'd be cute to dress them in the same outfit even though they're miles apart right now. We've pretty much already decided they'll be best friends!! Addilyn was born Oct. 30th and Abigail was born Nov.11th, so they're less than 2 weeks apart. They're now just waiting for their other (best friend) cousin to be born in February!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Playing Together

Connor loves playing with his baby sister, Abigail!! This morning I put Abby down to play on her little play mat and Connor was right there to help entertain his little sis! It melts my heart seeing how much he loves her! As for the tongue in your face picture...this is by far Abby's favorite pose for pictures...we have lots of tongue pictures!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Nursery

Thanks so much to my sister, Sheila, for making me all this really cute vinyl for Abby's room! I absolutely love it! These sweet embellishments really made the difference! If you're interested at looking at everything else she does visit her blog at or her website at
These flowers turned out so cute and were so easy to apply.
I love this "Abigail" plaque!

For now it sits here looking pretty, but rarely used (at least at night still). I'm excited for the day when we put Abby down for the whole night in here!!! As for now she'll just have to make due with the pack n' play by our bed.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Growing Girl

Last week we took Abigail to her 2 week check-up! Here are her stats:
Weight: 7lbs
Height: 20.5"
Head: 35cm

Abby is such a good baby! I know you're not supposed to compare your kids, but seriously she's much more laid back than Connor ever was. We always said Connor was a good baby too, but now we can see the difference. Connor could cry non-stop until we gave into his demands and he got his way, but Abby will cry for less than 5 minutes and give up and usually just go to sleep. And if she doesn't give up then we know she's really just that hungry! She's also been giving me longer sleep periods at night, which has been aMAZing!! We already can't imagine our family without her!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

More Baby Abby!

Daddy's little girl!

On our way home from the hospital!
Connor meeting his baby sister for the first time! He couldn't wait to hold her and he didn't want to put her down. He's already a great big brother!
After only one night in the hospital we are very happy to be back at home! We've been so lucky to have our family and friends here to help us out with everything that comes with having a baby. We couldn't have done it without all the help! Thank you! Abigail made it here 15 days early and we're so glad (especially me)! I labored at home Tuesday evening and went into the hospital at 2:45am Wednesday morning with contractions 5 minutes apart. By about 7ish I was already dilated 7-8 cm and just had to wait for the doctor to get there to break my water and start pushing. Once he arrived around 8 and broke my water things moved very quickly and after about 18 pushes Abigail was here (9:18am)! She's been a great eater as well as a great sleeper, which makes mommy and daddy very happy...we are definitely in LOVE!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Abigail is here!!!!!!!

Weighing in at 6lb 9oz. Measuring 20 inches in length. With lots of strawberry blonde hair. It's our Abby girl.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This year Mac carved the pumpkins without any help from me, not that he needed my help because they turned out better than last year!
Connor and Mac dressed alike as Air Force pilots this year. One of Connor's favorite things is airplanes. This was his first year going trick or treating around the neighborhood and we couldn't have asked for nicer weather. Connor loved the whole notion of getting free candy, but he equally enjoyed helping us answer the door for all the trick or treaters who came to our house! I don't think the problem will be how to hide the candy from Connor, but more importantly how to hide the candy from myself!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Connor's Heaven

Connor has a Big Trucks board book that he has completely memorized. He will point out backhoes, dump trucks, tankers, mixers, excavovos (excavators), rollers, cranes, loaders, etc. while driving in the car. On Saturday morning while I went shopping Uncle Jared took Connor to the job site and let him drive a couple of his favorites! I wish I could have been there, but here are some pictures to see my little man at work!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

35 weeks

Mac knew I was in need of a little outing before baby Burton arrived, so this past weekend Mac took Connor and I on a little date to the city (SLC). We enjoyed staying at Uncle Jared and Aunt Jill's house and were even able to fit in a date night on Friday! We all went out to eat at one of my favorites, Olive Garden, and then Mac and I were off to the theater! We saw the musical "Curtains" and thoroughly enjoyed it, while Jared and Jill babysat Connor. Saturday I went shopping for Christmas gifts and the last odds and ends needed for our baby girl, while Jared took Mac and Connor to go play on some pretty fun equipment (rollers, dump trucks, excavators, etc). To say the least Connor was in heaven! We'll be posting pictures soon of this adventure. This is my 35 week preggo picture that we took just before going on our date! I think I'm growing at about the same rate as I did with Connor, so we'll see what happens these next few weeks!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Camping on Diamond!

A few weeks ago we met Mac's family up on Diamond Mountain for some fishing and camping. Mac and Coy had a very successful fishing trip, catching up to 15 fish each! Connor loved being in the outdoors, going on hikes, looking for elk, and having Grandma read him bedtime stories. I forget how relaxing it can be to get out in the fresh air and enjoy each other's company without any distractions.

On a side note the Burton household has been busy getting ready for baby to arrive. I made her a crib bumper with my new sewing machine (with the help of a great friend), learned how to make hair bows, and organizing, organizing, and more organizing. By the time she arrives (Thanksgiving) we should be ready!