Friday, May 20, 2011

18 M O N T H S !!!

Abby is 18 months and feeling less and less like our little baby and more like our "big girl." She is still signing a lot, but is starting to use her words such as, "bye, hi, more, wow, more, baby, tickle tickle, hot, nigh nigh (night), thank you, bite, no no, and amen." She still LOVES "Baby Signing Time," but now is really into "Tangled." She loves the music. She still loves to have our dance parties and shakes her cute little cute. Recently we have learned how sensitive this little girl is. When we tell her "NO" and sit her down on the couch her little lip quivers first then her eyes fill with tears and THEN it comes....sobbing!!! We can already tell she has her mom's personality...I was the same way as a child. We love her to pieces.

1 comment:

Mike & Rebecca said...

I cant believe she is so big now, I dont think I was around for more than her birth. You guys look like life has been good to you! keep loving.