Sunday, September 23, 2007

Auntie Hannah

My best friend Hannah came to visit us and see our cute little Con-man. She's a natural with babies since she is two of ten girls and can pretty much lull a baby to sleep at the same time as cooking dinner and probably updating her blog. She's not a mommy yet, but I can't wait to see her have a family of her own...she'll be such a good mommy!


Dana said...

Hi Starr

This post is really cool. How did you do it? Snow is on the mountains and its raining every night. One day we will wake up and there will be snow to shovel. Your little guy is a cutie, sleeping though the night yet?

Anonymous said...

Aww, how sweet. We'll see if that's possible. haha

Brianne said...

Starr...Conner is beautiful. Sounds like you have a great friend around. Extra hands to help are always a good thing. By the way, where are you living now, I can't remember? We're moving back to TX in a couple weeks so maybe I can see your little man and you can meet my little rugrats someday soon!