Monday, September 10, 2007

Big Blessings come in Small packages

Our little Connor has definitely brightened up our lives! He is 2 1/2 weeks old now and loves to go on walks with his mommy and's amazing, if he's crying all we have to do is open the front door and he stops! He loves looking around and hearing the sounds of the water at the pool, birds chirping, cars zooming past, all of it! He responds to our voices and calms right down when we talk to him (most of the time) or when his daddy sings to him. Most every night Connor will sleep 4-5 hours straight, except Saturday nights--3 Saturdays in a row now Connor has had bad nights. We're not sure if he's worried that we might make him go to church or what, but like clock work he doesn't give us much sleep heading into Sunday mornings. We love him so much and learn more about him each day!!!


Byron and Tara said...

Man he is such a cute boy...glad everything is going so well.

Unknown said...

He is beautiful, Starr. Congratulations!