Sunday, July 27, 2008

Altamont Longhorn Days!

Every year Altamont (Where Mac is from) puts on a parade and other fun festivities celebrating Pioneer Day! This year we hit the tail end of it all. We started off early Saturday morning running in a 5k race. We even convinced Coy, Mac's youngest brother, to run with us. After our run we hurried home to get Connor and the grandparents to head off to the parade! Connor loved all the people watching, but he did get a little jumpy when the fire trucks hooted their horns. I think his favorite part was being carried in Grandma's arms though because they seemed to always be in the line of fire of candy being thrown at them from the floats! After a very hot couple of hours in the sun we headed home for a nap and then had a delicious picnic, courtesy of Grandma. We ended our day with picking fresh veggies from Uncle Lynn and Aunt Cheryl's flourishing garden to bring home with us! Thank you so much! It's amazing the quality difference picking fresh veggies from the garden opposed to picking them up at the grocery store. We had a fun-filled weekend and are now getting ready for our big vacation to Alaska coming up this weekend! We can't wait to see G'ma and G'pa Burgan!!!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Starr, you are coming! But guess what I will be on the slope:( I hope the weather clears up, I am sure you know this summer has been rainy and cold. I get back from the slope Aug 14 but you will probably be gone by then. Have a great time!